
Create a reliable sugar level monitoring system that outperforms the existing method.

Stretton Energy is operating a methane biodigester fueled using farm waste and sustainable crop growth to bring greener energy to the local area.

Part of this process includes pumping a precise quantity of sugar slurry to control the reaction process and maintaining enough supply to last between the biweekly deliveries.


A realtime level readout built on pressure sensing; accurate to 1% with a website chart display and database readout logging.

The new solution:

  • Doesn’t get blown around in the wind

  • Usable both night and day

  • Works without human interaction

  • Easily replaceable if failure occurs

  • Highly customisable


Electrical box fitting, equipping and wiring to add new functionality.

Adapting a drinks bottle to feature a bike valve but still remain watertight.

Obtaining measurements to calculate the change in level against pressure.

Calibration using Excel to plot a y = mx + c gradient to calculate the tank level.


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